Grandmothers, prepare to be disappointed. Not only is this week's Zoe post a few days late, it also only has one picture, and it's not a close up. Sorry.
Update: Brooke that my post this week was weak and put up some pictures she had of Zoe here.
So, we were out of town last week and I took pretty much no pictures of Zoe while we were away. These were all taken at the same time (this week) but they'll have to do. I think her cuteness can cover two weeks, especially with that little tongue.
A blog of epic proportions. Okay, so it's probably not epic, but i'm sure there are some sort of proportions in play here. This is a place where family and friends can keep up with our transpacific adventures. It's also a place where anyone who's interested can trace the wanderings of my wonderings.
If you need to contact me directly shoot me an email: travis.w.a.scott(at)gmail(dot)com