
1 year...

Today Brooke and I spent the whole day in a semi-comatose state while recovering from our separate bouts with the latest flu bug. While sitting on the couch having already watched way too much TV for a day Brooke asked what the date was. When I told her it was December 6th it dawned on her that today is the one year anniversary of our return from New Zealand. After she said this we both just kind of looked at each other with a sad look in our eyes.

Due to our naivete we had hoped a year ago that we'd be back in Auckland by now. We realized fairly quickly that wasn't gonna happen. However, we'd hoped that by this time we would at least have a clear date of departure in our heads. At this point that simply isn't the case. Throughout most of the year we were tentatively looking at sometime around April/May 08 but with support-raising going as slow as it has been that's not gonna happen either. Our new goal, for now, is to be heading out for New Zealand sometime around September 08. That might still be showing a bit of naivete but oh well, I'd rather be an optimist.

So here we sit... and wait... and wonder... and lots of other stuff, while we wait. We do wait with hope though that there is purpose in our waiting. That there is meaning in our meantime. And that there is light at the end of the tunnel.


At 6:50 PM, Blogger Brittany said...

My dear, dear friends and mentors.

I hope this doesn't come off as mean but selfish part of me (it's a big part too) is somewhat glad that you're still here. Here as in, on the same continent at least, even if you're not here where I can see you whenever I like. The pacific seems less like a lake, and more like a moat...I need you so much closer. wait where have i heard that before?

But really. I feel for you. Waiting and living in limbo as you are is no fun. I know this from experience...not because I have my heart set on New Zeeland, but it is set on other things which seem to be still a long ways off. It's hard to live here when your heart is someplace else.

Hang in there.


At 7:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks brit.

At 4:24 PM, Blogger juanito said...

Yeah, me too Travis and Brooke.

At 2:38 AM, Blogger Tirzah said...

I think I really love this picture. Hang in there guys. I saw you at Meshugaugh the other night but couldnt stop b/c the boys were asleep in the car, maybe next time.


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