
you know your country's famous when it's featured on letterman

I'm not sure whether to laugh, or to grimace at the awkwardness. I'm all for the "common bloke" appeal but this may be a bit beneath a current head of state. For those of you watching in the States, as well as being the Prime Minister John Key also holds the Tourism portfolio in the New Zealand Parliament. So I guess that makes this a bit more appropriate. Maybe?


At 9:02 PM, Blogger Priscilla said...

Haha yeah I'm still undecided on it as well. Still kinda cool tho. Haha love how Letterman caught himself about to say New England!

At 4:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved it. Sometimes we have to laugh at ourselves. I thought his comment about Kiwi's still liking Americans was quite accurate and nice to know. He did New Zealand proud, shows he is a man of diversity. I'll take that over some stuffed shirt any day.



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