
z week 8


goodnight walken

I remember reading Goodnight Moon when I was a kid and I've now read it to Sophia a couple hundred times or so, and I do find Christopher Walken a a tad bit creepy. Therefore, when I saw this clip on a Simpson's rerun a few nights ago I knew I had to post it.


z week 7


The Black Keys: Brothers Album

I've been meaning to post this video and comment on this album for quite awhile now but have been a bit slack. Anyways, go buy the new album Brothers by The Black Keys. It's well worth the investment. Of course, so are several of their other albums. Okay, so there's my comment.


like a whipped dog

With great shame and self-scorn I've admitted the inevitability of having to rejoin Facebook. My arguments against it and concerns about it still stand. However, I've been cowed. I admit the importance of Facebook in our current cultural context and grudgingly return (yet again) to partake of the connectivity it provides. I will remain on and I will remain silent in regards to the aforementioned arguments and concerns. Several of my friends will mourn this decision but I suspect most will chuckle if not mock and gloat.


z week 6


z week 5

Sorry for the delay on this week's Zoe post. It's been a bit hectic around here the past 7 days.