
i might have a problem

Okay, so I have lots of problems, but this picture illustrates just one of them. I realized the other day that I have five different coffee cards in my wallet. You know, the kind of card where after you get it punched or stamped a certain amount of times you get your next coffee free. The sad thing is that I have gone through at least six Columbus Coffee cards and three or four Wild Bean Cafe cards since being in Auckland. I guess I'm a sucker for the idea of free coffee. Some cynics might say that I end up paying for the free one anway because the cards are just a scam to get me to keep coming back. I say I'd probably buy the extra one anyway so I'm taking any "free" ones I can get.

In other news: I realized that I haven't really posted anything on the blog about how our work has been going since being in New Zealand. I guess I would sum it up by saying, "So far so good." We have enjoyed getting to know several of the people in the churches here and have really appreciated their friendliness and hospitality. Preaching has been going well so far (or at least that's what I'm told). I have given two of the messages in a six-part series on Christian community. These are the two that I was most mentally prepared for so we'll see how the next four go. Other than the preaching I've been to a lot of meetings, but we're Presbyterian so I kinda expected that.

In many ways it feels like we are still getting geared up. October and November look to be much busier than September has been. As of now we have no clue what the future holds in regards to whether or not we'll be coming back to New Zealand for long-term service. If you are a person who prays please pray that we would have wisdom and discernment regarding this decision.

Coming soon: Pictures of the Shire!


At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You went to the shire??? Way cool!

Out of curiousity...didn't they say that they dismantled the whole set after filming? Did they leave some behind or am i imagining things or is it just the place where the shire was?


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