

The last four weeks feel like they have been non-stop busyness.  Brooke and I returned from a missions conference in Huntsville, AL on Monday night.  The conference went well, and we had a great time with friends in Huntsville, but it was the fourth weekend in a row that we had a conference of some sort and I think we have hit a wall.  We are all talked out (or at least I am).  I'm a strange combination of introvert and extrovert.  I love being around people and developing relationships, but after a point I just don't want to talk to anyone anymore.  My body is showing it's protest to all the busyness in the form of a rather annoying head cold which came on strong as we were driving home on Monday.  

Because of all of this today has been something of a recovery day for me.  I still had plenty to do but no actual schedule or deadline for how and when to do them.  I also got to spend an hour or so reading at the coffee shop this morning which for me is the ultimate means of recovery.  This is only a brief reprieve however since I currently have about 320 papers to grade in the next few days.  At least I can grade most of those while drinking coffee down the street at Meshuggah.  Maybe I should start taking my coffee through an IV.  Hmm?


At 2:20 PM, Blogger Brittany said...

An IV drip of coffee would be convenient methinks, but then you'd miss out on the flavorful goodness of the roasted beans.

I know what you mean about sitting and reading at the coffeehouse...I do that every wednesday morning for exactly an hour and a half while my sister is in orchestra rehearsal, and my goodness, that is definitely my favorite part of every week. I feel so refreshed afterwards.

We need to catch up sometime...when you AREN'T running on empty and all talked out.


At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like a good plan brit.

At 1:24 PM, Blogger Bubble Juice said...


We enjoyed seeing you again and meeting your beautiful wife Brooke.

Heather C


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