summer lit

I realized awhile back that I wasn't reading enough fiction. By virtue of my line of work and study I'm almost constantly reading something but the bulk of this reading tends to hover around the areas of theology and biblical studies. When I realized that I hadn't read an actual novel in quite awhile I was a bit distressed. I personally think a good dose of fiction is one of the best ways to better understand reality and keep it in perspective. I also think that good novelists are able to portray truth and its implications as well as the consequence of actions much better than most theological writers. Also, as a person whose work is largely concerned with clear communication I think I can learn how to preach better by reading good literature. It's a shame to me that many preachers today ( myself included) don't utilize more creativity when crafting sermons. Oh, that there were more poets in the pulpits.
Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that reading of all sorts is good for the soul and it's even better if the diet's a balanced one. So here's the list of fiction that I've added to my already long summer reading list:
The Road - Cormac McCarthy (finished)
How to Be Good - Nick Hornby (finished)
The Orc King - R.A. Salvatore (finished)
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley (read this as a kid and am currently rereading)
The Plague - Albert Camus (on deck)
Dracula - Bram Stoker (read this in high school and have been meaning to reread it for awhile)
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde (I meant to read this a long time ago and never did)
Are any of you reading any worthwhile fiction that I should add to the list?