
Countdown 1 - On Wednesday it will be two months until Brooke's due date. That means in 64 days (give or take) our lives will be radically changed, flipped upside down, and immeasurably blessed by the arrival of our first child. 64 days!!! Exciting, yes. Makes me sometimes feel like I'm gonna puke because of fear and trepidation, yes. All in all though I'm just curious to meet our child and see what he/she is like (no, we're still not telling) and I think by that time Brooke will just be ready to not be pregnant anymore.
Countdown 2 - As we were getting ready for church this morning Brooke pointed out that four months from today we will be boarding a plane bound for Auckland. That means in 122 days our lives will once again be radically changed, flipped upside down, and immeasurably blessed by this new phase of life that God is calling us into. We are a bit overwhelmed by all that needs to and will take place in the next 122 days (did I mention we're having a child somewhere in that time period!). Leaving our homeland will not be easy and our adjustment to living permanently in a new culture will be bumpy I'm sure. However, I am very eager to get back to Auckland and begin the work that we've been called to do. I'm excited to see what God has in store and what he plans to do in and through his people there. While we have more questions than answers at this point we fortunately know and are known by the one who has the answers and who lovingly holds us secure in the palm of his hand.