
week 30

Sophia showing off her new curls and her self-inflicted head wound.

And these are a few of her chillin in the Sleepy Hollow chair checkin her email.


week 29

These are going up a bit late, but here's a few recent pictures of Sophia eating her rice cereal. You wouldn't be able tell from these photos but she's actually getting much better at eating from the spoon. In my personal opinion the one at the bottom is stinkin adorable. Enjoy.



"The words of the wise heard in quiet are better than the shouting of a ruler among fools.  Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one sinner destroys much good." 
- Ecclesiastes 9:17


week 28

Here's a few pics of Sophia throwing gang signs and showing her sophisticated  palate.


the rise of christianity

I just finished reading Rodney Stark's, The Rise of Christianity.  This book has come to my attention several times over the past couple years as people I've been reading or listening to have referred to it.  Because of this I've been wanting to read it for awhile and finally just knocked it out a chapter at a time.  If your interested you can read the whole thing in electronic form here.  

I found Stark's work to be very stimulating and insightful.  His sociological research and assertions were very thought provoking.  His hermeneutics however were a bit faulty at times.  Overall though the book was worth the time and effort.  It's not really for the casual reader but if you are interested in Church history at all I'd recommend it.


week 27

Sorry these are going up day late, I was a bit under the weather yesterday.  Here are a few pics of Sophia hanging in the kitchen, listening to The Avett Bros. while while mom gets dinner ready.  Her latest hobby (in additional to letting out a random screech or scream) is constantly kicking and or pulling off her socks. 


postmodern advertising at its best

This commercial cracks me every time I see it.  It doesn't actually have anything to do with the product it's selling but it's hilarious nonetheless.