
myer's park clean up

This past Saturday a work team from City Presbyterian Church gathered for about 4 hours to help re-beautify and restore a part of our city. About 12 of us went about the task of clearing rubbish from Myer's Park. To my mind this was a profoundly spiritual activity. The Bible says that humans are to be stewards and caretakers of creation. It also says that the people of God are to seek the good of the places we dwell and seek to be a presence of good and blessing in the midst of the city. While there's much more we can, should, and hopefully will be doing; our time in Myer's Park was a good start to our church being what we should be in our community.


At 1:06 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

cool! our church just did a similar thing where we worked on this old ladies house all morning long, it did feel right


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