
week 44

So I had a really cute video I had planned on posting. However, on Thursday when I went to put it up the video had mysteriously disappeared. Since I didn't have any other photos to put up then I had to delay this week's post. Anyway, here are some photos for this week and hopefully next week I'll have a new video for the grandmothers.

Sophia is learning how to drink water from her sippy cup. She's been a bit slow on this but she's finally getting the hang of it.

Sophia had her first taste of a Mandarin Orange this morning. We think she liked it.

Brooke bought this new toy off of Trade Me for Sophia. She's pretty into the rings.

Sophia also loves to pull all her spare burp cloths off the shelf and roll around in them when she's playing on her floor. And she still loves playing with her feet.


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