In the Old Testament God tells the prophet Jeremiah to send a letter to a large group of Israelites who were living in exile. Through this letter God had Jeremiah instruct the exiles on how they were to live in the strange and hostile city of Babylon. Among other things Jeremiah wrote these words from God to the exiles, "seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare."
In a similar way the New Testament describes Christians as exiles in this world. Like the exiles of the Old Testament Christians are to seek the welfare of the cities they live in and pray to God on their behalf. While the Bible teaches that Jesus came to rescue individual people it also teaches that he is in the process of restoring the entire world to a right relationship to the Father. This is why the book of Revelation describes the life-giving power of the Gospel as a source of healing for the nations.
I have spent much time on this trip to New Zealand wandering through Auckland and exploring this city we have been called to. One result of this exploring is that I have had a renewed sense of burden for the city of Auckland and a confirmation of this calling to serve here. Another result is that on several occasions I have been moved to pray for the city and its inhabitants. As I have driven down the streets I have thought about the broken hearted and the oppressed, the lonely and weary, the poor and the needy. I have wept for the prostitutes that crowd the street corners and for all the rest of us who are just as broken and in need of God's grace but who do a better job hiding our hurt and our need.
And so tonight, as I stood atop Mount Eden, I sought the welfare of the city God is sending us to and prayed to the Lord on its behalf. With a cold wind upon my face I lifted my hands toward the city and pronounced this ancient blessing over Auckland:
"The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."