May 13th is Mother's Day this year (happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there) but it also happens to be our 7th anniversary. We went out to dinner tonight and our waitress commented that we looked way to young to be celebrating seven years of marriage. I got a big kick out of this since people usually think Brooke is younger than she is but I don't generally have that happen to me.
Anyway, in honor (or honour) of seven years of marriage I thought I'd list seven of my favorite things about Brooke. I know it's kind of cheesy but what can I say, I'm still giddy with love and you do chessy things when you're in that state. Here they are in no particular order:

1. She's a HOTTIE!!! It may not be the most imprtant thing but it's true, my wife is a beautiful women. Sometimes when we're out in public I catch guys checkin her out and I just smile.
2. She laughs at how goofy I am. Those of you who know me know how much of a dork I can be. Brooke just laughs with and at me but never at my expense. She graciously accepts the fact that sometimes my ADD just takes over and she's willing to be stupid with me.
3. She's adventurous. Believe it or not I can be quite introverted and reserved at times. Brooke often thinks of adventures both big a small for us to undertake. If it weren't for her we would have never taken our vacation to England last year and I love that she talked me into it. It was one of the best experiences of my life.
4. I love her love for youth. Ever since I've known Brooke she has been committed to entering into loving relationships with young people. When it comes to youth ministry I don't know anyone who is more gifted, capable, and well rounded as her. I'm not just saying that because she is my wife. I have learned a ton from her about about how to effectively minister to young people.

5. She's forgiving. Brooke understands the fact that I'm a fallen human being and she forgives me when I screw up. She doesn't keep track of my mistakess in order to use them against me in the future. She practices loving mercy towards me when I fail to be the husband I should be.
6. She admits when she's wrong. This may seem like a little thing but in our cultural context it's often assumed that husbands are always to blame for anything bad that happens. If you don't believe me just watch pretty much any sitcom with a married couple and watch what happens. The men are always at fault and almost always portrayed as incompetent semi-functional idiots as well. Brooke has not bought into this lie and she apologizes when she screws up. Both of us being able to forgive and seek forgiveness has been key to the health of our marriage.

7. What you see is what you get. Those of you who know her will know exactly what I mean by that statement. If you want to know how Brooke feels about something all you have to do is ask. Brooke is an example and model to me of healthy authenticity and while that's not always comfortable it's always refreshing. Brooke is honest, genuine, sincere and straight forward and I love her for it.
There is much more about Brooke that I admire and respect but those will have to wait until another year I supose. Until then here are some more pictures of my lovely bride. Happy anniversary babe!!!!